
Google satisfies bubble tea cravings with an interactive game doodle

Bubble Tea

Google celebrates global popularity of Bubble Tea with interactive Doodle

Tangy and fruity or sweet and milky? The combinations are endless! Google’s interactive game Doodle today celebrates bubble tea, also known as boba tea and pearl milk tea.

Today’s interactive Doodle,features Taiwan’s indigenous Formosan Mountain Dog as well as a crew of familiar Doodle characters! Satisfy your craving and make a yummy cup of bubble tea, says Doodle.

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gained such popularity globally that it was officially announced as a new emoji on this day in 2020.

Honeydew, matcha, raspberry, mocha – no matter the flavor.don’t forget to mix in some bubbly balls made with fruit jelly or tapioca.

The Taiwanese drink started as a local treat and has exploded in popularity over the last few decades.

has its roots in traditional Taiwanese tea culture which dates back as early as the 17th century. However, it wasn’t until the 1980s that the bubble tea as we know today was invented.

As waves of Taiwanese immigrants over the past few decades brought this drink overseas.innovation on the original bubble tea continues.

and shops around the world are still experimenting with new flavors. additions, and mixtures.

Traditional tearooms across Asia have also joined in on the boba craze. and the trend has reached countries like Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and more!

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